Writing a Petition on Change

Purpose: The objective of this assignment is to practice persuasive writing, which includes the elements of logos, pathos and ethos as well as practice

writing a proposal.

Topic: According to Google dictionary, petitions are “a formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a

particular cause.” In order for a petition to be strong, the writing must have strong logos (reason, logic and factual information), convincing ethos

(credible sources, ethical ideas, unbiased and logical writing) and moving pathos (emotional connection to the writing).

Writing Task: First, open up at Change.org account. Then, browse through some of the trending petitions on the website. There are thousands already published,

so please go through a few to get a good idea of what will be expected. Since this website is open to everyone, you will find both strongly and weakly written

petitions. Read both to give yourself an idea of what you should aim for and what you should try to avoid.

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