
Akhenaten revived the cult of RA the sun god with special focus of an aspect of the sun (disc) the Aten. In two
full paragraphs discuss: How does the hymn describe the Aten’s attributes? (creator for example)? Do you
think that Akhenaten saw himself as the ‘sun god’ on earth? Was the worship of the Aten open to everyone?
Creation stories describe not only how the universe was created but also how human being ought to behave. In
two full paragraphs discuss: What lessons do the stories in the Theogony have a direction toward a male
audience? Do they have anything specific to say to the female audience?
In two full paragraphs: Discuss the central ‘themes’ in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Why do YOU think they might
also be considered universal themes? A universal theme is one that crosses time/space such as friendship,
duty, love etc.
Which one might you select as the most significant in the story?

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